Commercial Services

The Property Sciences Commercial Division is composed of highly trained professionals with expertise across valuations, collateral due diligence, quality control, technology, information management systems, econometrics, real estate investment analysis, and urban planning. With decades of combined experience and excellent academic training, we are uniquely qualified to advise you in your most important real estate collateral decisions.

Commercial Valuations and Consulting

We provide valuations on virtually every category of commercial real estate including retail and shopping centers, Class A office buildings, subdivisions, marinas, wineries, gas stations, hotels, resorts, golf course properties, and many more. Property Sciences offers the full range of commercial real estate valuations, research, and consulting services:

Commercial Specialties


Commercial Solutions


Commercial Clients


Commercial Approval Packets


Appraisal and Property Analysis

Asset Based Lending Appraisals

Investment Real Estate Appraisals

Allocation of Purchase Price

Insurable Value

Proof of Loss

Liquidation Value

Condemnation Value

Partial Interest Analysis

Leasehold Valuations

Marital Dissolution

Partnership Dissolution

Amenity Contribution

Lease Analysis & Structuring

Litigation Support

Expert Testimony

Diminution in Value

Damage Assessment

Stigmatized Value

Cost to Cure

Major Transaction and Project Financing Services

Profit Improvement Studies

Acquisition Strategies

Disposition Strategies

Evaluation of Financing Proposals

Preparation of Financing Package

Sale/Leaseback Recommendations

Financial Analysis

Feasibility Studies

Cash Flow & Income Projections

Financial Rate of Return Analysis

Sensitivity Testing

Cost/Benefit Analysis

Investment Transactions

Asset Redeployment

Investment Analysis

Buy/Sell/Hold Analysis

Due Diligence Considerations

Deal Evaluation

Development Services

Pro Forma Analysis

New Construction Cost Analysis

Highest and Best Use Studies

Project Approval Coordination

Concept Development

Financial Structuring

Market Demand and Competition Analysis

Market Studies

Segmentation Analysis

Business Opportunity Analysis

Expenditure Patterns

Consumer/Opinion Surveys

Site Selection

Commercial Promo Section


Portfolio Analysis and Stress Testing

Property Sciences serves as an independent source to assist institutions in portfolio review. For a nominal per-transaction fee, we will review a portfolio of properties by geographic market and asset type for the purpose of pinpointing under-performing properties and risk associated with these assets. Using regional and national asset performance statistics, portfolio-level stress tests are used to quantify the impact of changing economic conditions on assets, earnings and capital of potential problem properties.

For more in-depth analysis on these properties, we provide low-cost reports under our Asset Watch program. Report categorizations include construction and land development, multifamily, farmland, commercial (office, industrial, hotel, etc.), gas stations, car washes, self-storage, and residential care facilities.

Geographic Coverage

Property Sciences Commercial Division provides full service throughout the United States.